Best way to connect to sustom XML webservice in ASP.NET?

What is the best way to work with / consume custom XML web services in ASP.NET? This web service was developed several years ago. It works by POST'ing XML to a specific web page and then replies with lots of XML. Running a mill design, but it's not SOAP compliant. However, it follows a strict pattern.

What technologies are out there now that can make it easier to work with this? Or am I stuck doing custom HTTPRequests?


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3 answers

I've heard great RestSharp stuff and I think it can easily cover your scenario.



It looks like your web service is an "XML over HTTP" service. I think you can create custom HTTP posts as they are not standardized at all.



I would bite a bullet and convert it to a known standard like SOAP, JSON ... etc. You have so many tools in .NET to make consumption mindless if you are using the standard. You will likely run into smaller errors.



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