
JQuery Templates, escape "$ {...}"

I have javascript code like this:

var data = { ... };
var template = "<select>" +
                 "<option value='${0:###,###.##}'>Format as $</option>" + 

$.tmpl(template, data).appendTo("#placeholder");


My problem is I want to evaluate "value = '$ {0: ###, ###. ##}'" as a string, but jQuery templates try to evaluate it as an object reference.

Is there a way to escape the $ {} characters?

Cheers, Shane


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1 answer

Try replacing $ with a special HTML character &#36;

var data = { };
var template = "<select>" +
         "<option value='&#36;{0:###,###.##}'>Format as $</option>" + 

$.tmpl( template, data).appendTo("#placeholder");




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