How to use DropDownListFor

I want to add a Drop Down List html control to a web page to populate it with a list of products. My Action controller looks like

public ActionResult Index()
    return View(_repository.GetProducts(true));


Product Model (Linq to SQL, below is incomplete class where SelectedId is for dropdown selection id)

public partial class Product

    public int SelectedId { get; set; }



@model IQueryable<Entity.Product>



What I don't understand is how to populate the DropDownList with Products and if the selected product binds the Id property to the SelectedId.


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4 answers

You can implement it like this:

In your model, you need something like this

public class TestViewModel
    public int IdSelected { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Person> People { get; set; }


In your controller you need something like this

public ActionResult Index()
    var people = new List<Person>
        new Person {Id = 1, Name = "krystan"},
        new Person {Id = 2, Name = "Bobby"}

    var theModel = new TestViewModel
        People = people.Select(x => new Person
            Id = x.Id,
            Name = x.Name

    return View(theModel);


Then in your html (and it depends a little on the view engine used, but allows a razor) you need something like this

@model MvcApplication3.Models.TestViewModel
@Html.DropDownListFor(x=>x.IdSelected, new SelectList(Model.People, "Id", "Name"))


More information can be found on this website



Define the view model:

public class MyViewModel
    public int SelectedId { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Product> Products { get; set; }


Your controller action has this view model:

public ActionResult Index()
    var model = new MyViewModel
        Products = _repository.GetProducts(true)
    return View(model);


and in your view, use the view model to create the dropdown:

@model MyViewModel

    x => x.SelectedId, 
    new SelectList(Model.Products, "ProductId", "ProductName")


where ProductId

and ProductName

is obviously 2 properties of your domain model Product

that will be used to bind the value and text of each <option>

in the dropdown.



below is the syntax for using HTML dropdown

string name,
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList,
string optionLabel,
object htmlAttributes) 


Use this to populate your DropDownList with product.

Also for all other doubts refer this link



1) Create a function that will return IEnumerbale List of SelecteListItem as shown below

public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetProducts()
List<Product> ProductList = new List<Product>();

//Here linq query to fetch products

    return ProductList.Select(c => new SelectListItem
                  Value = c.Id,
                  Text = c.ProductName //Or whatever you want to display


2) Store in view mode in controller methods

public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.ProductList = GetProducts()
    return View();


3) Bind it in the target view as below

@Html.DropDownList("Id", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.ProductList, "--Select--")


The Id element above uses the Model element that you will use to bind this view, and consider the value element to store data and "--Select--" is used for the default value.



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