Read iPhone calls, SMS and data

my team is currently in the feasibility study for the "Usage App" iPhone application. We would like to read the total number of phones

  • SMS sent
  • Calls made
  • Data sent and received

We're not following call history like other posts, or like this blog post, we read the actual call logs ( ). All we need is statistics and how they change over time.


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1 answer

As of iOS 4.0, it is no longer possible to perform the call history trick described in the blog post you posted there. Apple has selected this "implementation artifact".

If you are a registered developer and have access to the Apple "private" dev forums (at ), do a search in the "call history" section over the past year or two and you will see that Apple technology confirming this fact, in the first few streams you will find.

You will probably want to submit a promotion request at , but I would not expect a positive outcome right away as it probably improves security and privacy.

As far as network statistics are concerned, you can get statistics for each interface via " getifaddrs

(link to the man page for you). You get a list of addresses on that system, and then for each AF_LINK address, you drop the ifa_data field into (const struct if_data *) and access the interface statistics from there.

(there are also two caveats - all of these settings are reset to zero at startup and there is no easy way to easily determine which interface is cellular and wifi).



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