How to get server config in C #

How can I get the server config like system name, SERVER name, processor, physical memory, memory commit, last boot, etc.

Thanks in advance,



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2 answers

If you want to get information from a remote server, you can use smth like this:

        string query = "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem";           
        ConnectionOptions connection = new ConnectionOptions();
        if (machineName != "") // if it is localhost an error'll occur
            connection.Username = admLogon;
            connection.Password = admPassword;
        connection.EnablePrivileges = true;
        connection.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;

        ManagementScope managementScope = new ManagementScope(@"\\" + machineName + @"\root\CIMV2", connection);

        ObjectQuery queryObj = new ObjectQuery(query);
        ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new   ManagementObjectSearcher(managementScope, queryObj);

        foreach (ManagementObject managementObj in searcher.Get())
           string osName = managementObj.Properties["Caption"].Value.ToString();
           string systemName = managementObj.Properties["csname"].Value;
           string osVersion = managementObj.Properties["Version"].Value;
           string manufacturer = managementObj.Properties["Manufacturer"].Value;





and System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess()

offer good starting points for some of this information (although the second is more about the current process, not system-wide).

For things like memory counts and CPU usage, you most likely want to use form counters.

The topic Using System Monitoring Components on MSDN offers a good idea of ​​how to do this.

For boot times, you may find this other SO helpful: Get Windows Last Shutdown Date-Time Using .NET



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