Getting list of place names for WP7

Sorry if this is a stupid question or if it has already been answered, but I am inexperienced with this and need advice.

Basically, I am developing a Windows Phone 7 app that contains an AutoCompleteBox. The idea is that when the user enters a name as a place (for example, any string of an address, be it a full address or just a street, city, city, etc.), AutoCompleteBox will show possible suggestions.

I already have an AutoCompleteBox hosted in my application with a sample ItemsSource that only contains 3 lines saying London, Birmingham and Manchester. The only thing I need to do is connect the application to a web service that returns a list of place names.

What APIs can do this? Which one is the best to use for Windows Phone 7? If possible, I would prefer to use the one that uses Google Maps as this app is built on a website with a similar input field that connects to the Google Maps API.


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1 answer

Yes, this can be done using the Google Maps AutoComplete API:

Just use an instance WebClient

to make a request with the url you want, then parse the returned XML (using Linq-to-XML).



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