How to create your own QR code reader?

I know zing is the most famous QR code reader and I can add and use it very easily in my application. But I need something different.

History: This QR code should only be sensitive to 20 (predefined) QR codes. When the user presses the button, the QR code reader becomes active. If the QR code was one of them 20, then in the middle of the screen (while the camera is still on) I have to put a dialog with an image and two buttons. Since the camera is still on, if the user moves the camera to capture another QR code, the dialogue with their content should change accordingly.

I don't know how this is possible. if you have any suggestion please tell me. Thanks to


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1 answer

So, I think you should stay on xzing as a path. I don't want xzing to be installed when the android app sends intents to it, but to take the source and let it do its job. After decoding the QR request, you got a String if it was in your list 20. If so, show your dialog box, if not just ignore this result. Scan multible QR with built-in "Bulk Scan" Xzings mode.



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