What's a good "design pattern" if you want to constantly refer to a file?
I have a file (dictionary.txt) with data field records as follows -
ABC This represents ...
PQR This represents ...
XYZ This represents ...
... (hundreds of such entries)
I have a Java program Searcher.java with the following function
private String[] searchInsideFile(String stringToMatch, String fileName)
It looks for the occurrence of any data fields in the file that are contained in the stringToMatch file. However, the function as it is, opens and closes the file each time, and reads all of its hundreds of fields to find a match.
I'll have to call this function many times (maybe hundreds), so I don't think what I'm doing is quite efficient. Is there a good "design pattern" for this situation? Thank you.
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The fastest solution is to read the file once and store it in memory. But that's fine if it's not a large file. If the file is too large, or may become too large in the future, you must read it from disk every time, because you have to search for the entire file. Random access won't really help you in this case.
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I would use the ConstantDataManager template. The basic idea is that there will be an overhead when starting the program, since the object fetches all the information from the file that you use in it as a vector, or nevertheless (Map, etc.) that you want to store.
Then you can do a binary search (assuming your dictionary stores the words in order) on the data store, you can also have a way to store in an object to update any content to a file if you so desire.
A good book to look out for is Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java - Partha Kuchana. Here is a link to the relevant chapter in the book, although you have to pay to see it within 72 hours or buy it from them. You can probably get it from any library or other source ... http://www.crcnetbase.com/doi/pdf/10.1201/9780203496213.ch7
Also have you thought about using a MYSQL database that can make it a little faster if your dictionary contains many entries?
Hope this helps - Ben
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