.NET - Are Custom Types Possible?
In Delphi, you can do something like this:
TArray = array[1..3] of byte;
where can you declare
T2Array = array[1..3] of TArray
ad nauseum ...
Does something like this exist in .NET? (vb, c #, whatever)
I am currently doing something like this
Private LotsOfData As ObservableCollection(Of ObservableCollection(Of myClass))
but would like to do
Private LotsOfData As ObservableCollection(Of myType)
myType --> ObservableCollection(Of myClass)
I know you can do it with structs, that is:
Public Structure MyType
Public myOc as ObservableCollection(Of MyClass)
End Structure
Dim LotsOfData as ObservableCollection(of MyType)
but you have to refer to it like (for example)
which seems awkward. This also seems awkward:
For Each Data as ObservableCollection(of myClass) in LotsOfData
as well
For Each Data as MyType in LotsOfData
when can it be
For Each Data as MyType in LotsOfData
Any ideas?
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How do I define custom classes that come from the private type of your shared collection? For example:
public class MyType : ObservableCollection<MyClass>
{ }
Then you can create another generic collection whose type parameter is your above defined class (which itself is a collection):
ObservableCollection<MyType> lotsOfData = new ObservableCollection<MyType>();
When you iterate over it, you end up with a sequence of internal collections:
foreach (ObservableCollection<MyClass> data in lotsOfData)
Edit . The output as shown above will allow you to inherit all available members from the base class ObservableCollection<T>
, but you will not be able to call its (non-standard) constructors. Thus, you would usually like to implement constructors with the same overloads as the base class:
public class MyType : ObservableCollection<MyClass>
public MyType()
: base()
{ }
public MyType(IEnumerable<MyClass> collection)
: base(collection)
{ }
public MyType(List<MyClass> list)
: base(list)
{ }
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It looks like you are trying to create a type alias in your code. VB.Net has support for this in the form of a directiveImports
Imports myType = System.Collections.Generic.ObservableCollection(Of myClass)
Private LotsOfData As ObservableCollection(Of myType)
Please note that the directive Imports
must be repeated for every file you want to use myType
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Start with IEnumerable, where T is the type you are working on. There are many implementations, including List<T>
one that allows you to easily sort, click and pop items.
For example...
var myListOfThings = new List<Thing>();
myListOfThings.Add(new Thing {Name = "Green thing" });
myListOfThings.Add(new Thing { Name = "Red thing" });
myListOfThings.Add(new Thing { Name = "Yellow thing" });
And when using IEnumerable, you get access to LINQ ...
var redThing = myListOfThings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Red Thing");
And a simple iteration ...
foreach(var thing in myListOfThings)
// do something
NOTE. I don't have VB examples, but you tagged the question with C #, so I hope this is helpful.
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