How to read POST data using node.js without using express or connection


Make sure you don't match request and response objects. everything will be easier if you don't.

I am trying to pass POST data from a form with two inputs to a specific url node. I originally used the javascript xmlHTTPrequest object to send it. Data was received, but node could never read the object I was trying to send, which was JSON format. This is how it looked when I converted it to a string:

{ output: [], 
  outputEncodings: [],
  writable: true,
  _last: false,
  chunkedEncoding: false,
  shouldKeepAlive: true,
  useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true,
  _hasBody: true,
  _trailer: '',
  finished: false,
   { _handle: 
      { writeQueueSize: 0,
        socket: [Circular],
        onread: [Function: onread] },
     _pendingWriteReqs: 0,
     _flags: 0,
     _connectQueueSize: 0,
     destroyed: false,
     errorEmitted: false,
     bytesRead: 8442,
     bytesWritten: 1669569,
     allowHalfOpen: true,
     writable: true,
     readable: true,


This is not a complete line. I switched to using an ajax post request instead because I thought serializearray () could create a different format that the node could read, but it was the same. My server-side code is essentially simple:

function email(request, response)
  form = '';
  request.on('data', function(chunk) {
    console.log('data received');
    form += chunk.toString();

  request.on('end', function() {
    console.log('done receiving post data');


My form looks like

  <form name="email" action="javascript:true;">
    <input type="text" name="address" value="Enter your email address" onFocus="this.value=''">
    <input class="special" type="text" name="honeypot">
    <input type="submit" value="submit">


If I try to parse the JSON.parse an error is thrown by an unexpected o If I try to parse with a request it returns an empty object
If I try something like console.log (form.address) the output is undefined but should be one from the values ​​presented in the form.

my http server will be routed to / email and this is the function that responds to / email.

I checked and I know that the on 'data' event has not expired yet because my code is set up to notify me of the 'data'event and I can see the event is happening. Locally, this code works fine and I can read the data presented, but on development server it just doesn't work.

I know people will say that I should use connect or express, but let's just assume that isn't an option, how can I get node to handle this data correctly? The jQuery that represents the form is more or less standard. Many thanks!


Sorry, I thought the issue would be fixed as I noticed the posted string was not JSON. Here is the code I am using to send the message.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#email").submit(function(event) {
  var data = $(this).serializeArray();
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'json',
    url: '/email',
    data: JSON.stringify(data),
    success: function(msg) {


Here is the line that stores the data variable:

    "name": "address",
    "value": ""
    "name": "honeypot",
    "value": "irobot"


This is valid JSON according to jsonlint. But still the same error when reaching the server. node handles the "data" event and all is well, until I try to parse the string it throws an undefined error: 1 unexpected o.


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1 answer

The data you are sending is not valid JSON , it requires all object keys to have double quotes .



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