How do I assign the result of an eval to a variable in a bash script?

I have a bash script that returns the list I want, but I need to put the results in a variable so that I can work with them one at a time in a for loop.

processID="ps aux | grep `date +"%b"` | gawk '{print \$2}'"

eval $processID


How do I assign the result of eval to a variable? Thanks to


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2 answers

pid=$( ps aux | grep `date +"%b"` | awk '{print $2}' )




You can disable the need for grep since you are already using awk. "$" Don't need to be escaped because no extensions appear inside single quotes.

pid=$(ps aux | awk -vdate=$(date +%b) '$0 ~ date { print $2 }')


If you are expecting multiple pids to return, use an array:

pids=($(ps aux | awk -vdate=$(date +%b) '$0 ~ date { print $2 }'))

for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do




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