Node.js with ZeroMQ + + scope for each client

I am writing a web application using node.js and express to provide aprs stream to each user via ZeroMQ and

Concept: node.js app has full aprs stream sent to it by subscribing to publisher ZeroMQ. When a user visits a web page (which is a full screen map), a session is established and sends the bounds of the currently visible map area back to the server. The server can then cover the full channel to send only new points that are on the map for the user.

Most of the work works well, but it breaks down when more than one person is uploaded to the site. The scope of the currently viewed map becomes global and if you zoom / pan one map, it will start showing points at the new location for both browsers.

I need each session to keep its own scope and only get data from its unique scope bounds and be unique for each visitor. I tried zmqsocket.on "message", (data) ->

to inject a callback into the connection, but it still gives the same result (even with the mapbounds variable declared in the respective callbacks.)

The full source for the app can be found here:

If you want to test your application locally, you can clone my repo, run npm install

then coffee

to get started. Just keep in mind that it will start streaming the full APRS stream from my ZeroMQ server which could be ~ 100Kb / s.

express = require("express")
routes = require("./routes")
geolib = require("geolib")
zmq = require("zmq")
zmqsocket = zmq.socket("sub")

zmqsocket.connect "tcp://"
zmqsocket.subscribe ""
app = module.exports = express.createServer()
io = require("").listen(app)

mapbounds = ""

io.sockets.on "connection", (socket) ->
  #console.log socket
  socket.on "mapmove", (mapcoords) ->
    console.log mapbounds
    mapbounds = mapcoords

zmqsocket.on "message", (data) ->
  packet = JSON.parse(data)
  #console.log packet

  if packet.latitude? and packet.longitude? and (mapbounds != "")
    insideMap = geolib.isPointInside
      latitude: packet.latitude
      longitude: packet.longitude
    , [
      longitude: mapbounds._southWest.lng
      longitude: mapbounds._northEast.lng
      longitude: mapbounds._northEast.lng
      longitude: mapbounds._southWest.lng
    if insideMap
      console.log "\n--------------------------------------------------------\n"
      io.sockets.emit "packet", packet
      console.log packet

app.configure ->
  app.set "views", __dirname + "/views"
  app.set "view engine", "jade"
  app.use express.bodyParser()
  app.use express.methodOverride()
  app.use app.router
  app.use express.static(__dirname + "/public")

app.configure "development", ->
  app.use express.errorHandler(
    dumpExceptions: true
    showStack: true

app.configure "production", ->
  app.use express.errorHandler()

app.get "/", routes.index
if app.settings.env == "development"
  app.listen 3000
  app.listen 80

console.log "Express server listening on port %d in %s mode", app.address().port, app.settings.env



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2 answers

I'm not a CS or ZMQ guy, but it looks like you are transferring data to too many clients. io.sockets.emit

fires an event to all connected sockets. If you only want to send data to one socket, you must use socket.emit

where socket

was set for one socket object.



I have no experience with coffee, but I can see that you store your variables globally.

var mapboudns = 10
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){
    socket.on("msg", function(data){
      mapbounds = data.bounds; //new value of mapbounds is altered globally


try using something like:

socket.set("mapbounds", someNewValue);


and get the value later:



or use a collection to map each socket to its associated variables



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