Telnetting my socket listening port is closing the socket
I am new to this website, so I thought of it in advance if this question was answered even though I searched for it before opening it to everyone.
I am using socket programming in one of my C programs. It has server and client modules where the server and client can communicate in both directions. The program works fine as I can send files and messages in both directions. My server program is using the port 3873
and I confirmed this withnetstat -anp | grep 3873
I have observed one strange behavior with a socket, especially when I try to connect a socket using a browser like http://localhost:3873
or telnet localhost 3873
. It immediately closes the socket and the subsequent "netstat -anp | grep 3873 output" confirms that localhost is no longer listening on the port 3873
I would really appreciate if someone can shed some light on this behavior. Is the behavior expected?
Here is the relevant section from the server code: The main program initiates a dedicated thread and calls startFileServerMT, which then calls handleClient to serve each client connected to the server on a socket
int handleClient(void *ptr){
DEBUG("Inside the %s %s() \n",__FILE__,__func__);
int connectSOCKET;
connectSOCKET = (int ) ptr;
char recvBUFF[4096],sendBUFF[4096];
char *filename;
FILE * recvFILE;
char *header[4096];
if( recv(connectSOCKET, recvBUFF, sizeof(recvBUFF), 0) > 0){
if(!strncmp(recvBUFF,"FBEGIN",6)) {
recvBUFF[strlen(recvBUFF) - 2] = 0;
filename = (char*) strngDup(header[1]);
DEBUG(" About to receive file: %s\n", filename);
char *rfile = ALLOC(sizeof(char) * (strlen(This.uploadDIR) + strlen(filename) + 35));
if (strngLastChar(rfile) == '/'){
DEBUG(" Absolute file is : %s\n", rfile);
recvBUFF[0] = 0;
if ((recvFILE = fopen (rfile,"w" )) == NULL){
LogError("Server could not create file %s on the shared location %s.\n",filename,This.uploadDIR);
int fr_block_sz, write_sz;
while((fr_block_sz = recv(connectSOCKET, recvBUFF, 512, 0)) > 0 ){
write_sz = fwrite (recvBUFF , sizeof(recvBUFF[0]) , fr_block_sz , recvFILE );
DEBUG(" Received buffer is : %s\n", recvBUFF);
if(write_sz < fr_block_sz){
LogError("Failed writing file %s on the Server shared location.\n",filename);
recvBUFF[0] = 0;
if(write_sz == 0 || fr_block_sz != 512 ){
if(fr_block_sz < 0){
if(errno == EAGAIN){
LogError("Server collection file %s receive timed out.\n",filename);
LogError("Failed file %s transfer due to error %d\n",filename,errno);
// Start - Following code send failed status to client
if (send(connectSOCKET, sendBUFF, sizeof(sendBUFF), 0) >= 0){
DEBUG("File transfer status for file %s sent\n",filename);
DEBUG("Failed sending transfer status for file %s\n",filename);
return FALSE;
// End
return FALSE;
DEBUG("File %s received on OM Server successfully.\n",filename);
// Start - Following code send failed status to client
if (send(connectSOCKET, sendBUFF, sizeof(sendBUFF), 0) >= 0){
DEBUG("File transfer status for file %s sent\n",filename);
DEBUG("Failed sending transfer status for file %s\n",filename);
return FALSE;
// End
else {
LogInfo("Client dropped connection\n");
/** End*/
return TRUE;
int startFileServerMT(){
DEBUG("Inside %s %s() \n",__FILE__,__func__);
int listenSOCKET, connectSOCKET[512],thread_status;
int socketINDEX = 0;
pthread_t clientFileThread[512];
socklen_t clientADDRESSLENGTH[512];
struct sockaddr_in clientADDRESS[512], serverADDRESS;
if((listenSOCKET = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0 ){
LogAbortError("File server could not create socket.\n");
return FALSE;
serverADDRESS.sin_family = AF_INET;
serverADDRESS.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
serverADDRESS.sin_port = htons(This.serverport);
if (bind(listenSOCKET, (struct sockaddr *) &serverADDRESS, sizeof(serverADDRESS)) < 0) {
LogAbortError("File server could not bind socket and will stop server now.\n");
This.stopped = TRUE;
return FALSE;
if(listen(listenSOCKET, 5) == -1){
LogAbortError("Server failed to listen on port %d and will stop server now.\n",This.serverport);
This.stopped = TRUE;
return FALSE;
LogInfo("Server listening on port %d successfully.\n",This.serverport);
clientADDRESSLENGTH[socketINDEX] = sizeof(clientADDRESS[socketINDEX]);
// DEBUG(" Inside the file server main loop index[%d].\n",socketINDEX);
connectSOCKET[socketINDEX] = accept(listenSOCKET, (struct sockaddr *) &clientADDRESS[socketINDEX], &clientADDRESSLENGTH[socketINDEX]);
if(connectSOCKET[socketINDEX] < 0){
LogError("Server could not accept connection.\n");
return FALSE;
DEBUG(" Another client connected to server socket.\n");
ThreadCreateDetached( &clientFileThread[socketINDEX], handleClient, connectSOCKET[socketINDEX]);
if(socketINDEX=512) {
socketINDEX = 0;
} else {
if (This.stopped == TRUE){
return TRUE;
/** End*/
// return TRUE;
return TRUE;
This is your problem - or at least part of your problem. Not only is this a "one by one" error (connectSOCKET accepts indices from 0-511 inclusive, so if you're at 512, you've already written past the end of the connectSOCKET array), but instead of comparing, you're doing the job:
if(socketINDEX=512) { // Error: you are *setting* socketINDEX to 512,
// then immediately *resetting* it back to 0. So
// every new connection overrides the existing
// socket.
socketINDEX = 0;
} else {
As a side note, you really need to refactor your code and try to clean it up.