Control window.

Out of curiosity, I can control the window.onbeforeunload event, for example, check if the user decided to leave the page or stay in it, and if I can raise an alert or some function based on his solution, if so please tell me

<script type="text/javascript">
if(//stay on page)
alert("i want to stay on the page");
else //leave page
 alert("i want to leave the page");


I understand that window.onbeforeunload is an event that gives the user a message to inform him that maybe you forgot to do something before leaving, but this quest is just out of curiosity and thanks.


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3 answers



You can ONLY return a string that displays a dialog confirmation displaying the string you returned (but with additional ok / cancel buttons to confirm the action).

<script type="text/javascript">
return 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?';




Set a timer for one second. Clean it when unloading. Should work, but haven't tested it.

window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (event) {

  var timeId = setTimeout(yourFunctionIfTheUserStays, 1000);

  window.addEventListener('unload', function (event) {
  return 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?';




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