Problems while testing node.js server with siege

I was doing load testing for my node.js server (small webapp) using siege. I could see that for even a small number of concurrent connections like 300 it found some errors

siege -c 300 -n


Then I could see some results like

[error] socket: read error Connection reset by peer sock.c:460: Connection reset by peer
[error] socket: read error Connection reset by peer sock.c:460: Connection reset by peer
[error] socket: read error Connection reset by peer sock.c:460: Connection reset by peer
[error] socket: read error Connection reset by peer sock.c:460: Connection reset by peer
[error] socket: read error Connection reset by peer sock.c:460: Connection reset by peer
[error] socket: read error Connection reset by peer sock.c:460: Connection reset by peer
[error] socket: read error Connection reset by peer sock.c:460: Connection reset by peer
[error] socket: read error Connection reset by peer sock.c:460: Connection reset by peer


I saw that the server is closing connections. Why is this so. How can I debug it. I have a server running on a Macbook pro with 4GB of memory. I want to inform you that I was using websockets. That is, clients visit the page returned by a web server running node.js. This page then uses web ports to connect to the same server for two-way communication. What could be causing this problem?


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1 answer

When faced with a situation where you believe that you may be running out of sockets, you need to confirm two things.

  • Make sure you close your sockets explicitly. In some languages, the garbage collector termination logic will clean up after you, but this is latency and sloppy; in other languages ​​that don't, your application will leak sockets (and thus files) until it exits.
  • Make your OS so your application user account has enough peak sockets for your test.

To point out point 1: Are you closing your sockets? I'm not a heavy node.js user, but I think:

var conn = new net.Socket();
conn.destroy(); //Are you doing this?


To indicate point 2: set the hard and soft open file limit to something high enough not to get in your way:

launchctl limit maxfiles 8192 8192


Running sudo launchctl limit

without arguments should output your current limits. See Apple documentation for launchctcl for details .



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