My application hangs forever after installing cordova-2.3.0.js

I took the following steps to use the Phonegap library with my application:

  • download phohegap-2.3.0 from
  • copy cordova-2.3.0.js from phonegap-2.3.0 / lib / android / to the root directory of my sencha touch 2 app
  • add the following to app.json to the root directory of my sencha touch:

            "path": "cordova-2.3.0.js",
            "update": "delta"

In Chrome browser, it works fine. But when I run the app on a real device (Android 2.3.0), it always hangs on the first standard flashing screen.

Does anyone know - have I followed all the necessary steps to install Phonegap, or are there a few more?


I created a blank app and didn't work with the cordova.js attached (when the object was before sencha-touch.js attached).

It might be weird, but the application loads fine when I put lines with "cordova -... js" at the bottom of the "js" field (previously, this was the first object in the "js" array):

"js": [
            "path": "touch/sencha-touch.js"
            "path": "app.js",
            "bundle": true,  /* Indicates that all class dependencies are concatenated into this file when build */
            "update": "delta"
            "path": "cordova-2.2.0.js"


However, I'm not sure if PhoneGap is working correctly. I will check it and post my result.


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