Migrating from amazon SimpleDB to SQL Server

I have an interesting problem. I recently started working for a new company using Amazon SimpleDB and amazon S3 to do all of my storage. Having large domains kills their performance. Instead of dividing domains, they want to move to a SQL solution (Microsoft azure). What would be the easiest way to switch to this?

Keep in mind that data types from Amazon SimpleDB are used internally, so just exporting each domain's data as a string into an sql table would be a good place to start.

As the saying goes, how do I do this?


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1 answer

There is a web-based tool called BackupSDB that claims to back up SimpleDB domains into XML files and then save them to S3. You should be able to load the XML and then import it into SQL using your preferred ETL tool ...

I have never tried BackupSDB personally, so this is purely theoretical ... :-)



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