Too many php tags

Possible duplicate:
Opening and closing tags and performance?

I'm a big guy and I love how my code works as efficiently as possible. I don't know if anyone knows about the fluid pattern and the code style is associated with this, but often they have tags like

{% if | class.method == 'true' %}

    blah text

{% endif %}


I hate liquid, but I somehow set up the same with php tags on my site.

<?php /*if bob is logged in */ if ($user = 'bob') { ?>

     Stuff to do and write

<?php /*end if user is bob*/ } ?>


I kind of like design, html is very easy to edit, but I found myself having a lot of php tag puzzles across all my templates. Is this bad design? I mean readability is fine for me, actually better, but I'm worried if I'm making too much of a sacrifice with website performance if I add all these little tags.

Somebody knows?


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1 answer

No, this is not a big performance issue. Many compiled templates simply replace template tags with PHP open and close shortcuts (e.g. Smarty).

see link @ h2ooooooooooooooo



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