How do I install Selenium RC?

I am new to this tool. Anyway, I went to the Selenium RC download page and the "selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0 jar" file downloaded. Copied it to D: and then ran the command:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar


I am getting Unable to access jarfile selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar error Can anyone help me here by pointing out how to install Selenium RC. I have already installed the plugin in FF for Selenium IDE.

And what should be next after I have installed RC successfully? How can I check if the RC is installed correctly?


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3 answers

You don't install RC, you run it from the command line using the command java -jar <jarname>

as you pointed out.

In your case, you probably need to run your command line as administrator in order to start the server. You can also change the permissions of the jar file so that it can run without elevated prompt.

Either way, you will need to set up the project in the language of your choice and either write or then export from the IDE, or write your own tests from scratch.

This tutorial will get you started:

It's also worth noting that RC is a legacy technology and you really need to use WebDriver if that's the option for you.



You don't need to start the Selenium server at all. Since you are new to Selenium, I would suggest that you download and install Eclipse, if you do it in Java, start a new project and jar file in your build path.

Take a look at the link below

Skip the Maven part, just install Eclipse, create a new project, add the jar to the build path (project properties -> build paths) copy the example and run it. This should give you a pretty good idea of ​​how selenium webdriver works. If you are not already familiar with tools like maven, testng, junit, ant, etc., I would stay away from them until you master Selenium, and then work on those tools.



If you go to command prompt and type "java -version" will you get the jave version listed? If not, then you need to update your environment variables to tell it where the executable for java is (you will probably need to do this for the browsers you want to use too).

also you need to give the exact path to the .jar file, so if you have it / inside / a / folder / you need to tell it where in your command :)



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