Building a SOA Composite Application Using Ant

I am trying to write an ant script to create a composite SOA application.

I wrote a script like this:

<project name="SOA-Build" default="sca-package" basedir=".">
<description> Automated Build file for SOA composite application </description>

<!-- import global properties for this build -->
<property file=""/>

<target name="init">
    <delete dir="./${sca_name}/deploy" />
    <delete dir="./logs" />
    <mkdir dir="./${sca_name}/deploy" />
    <mkdir dir="./logs" />

<target name="sca-compile" depends="init">
    <ant antfile="${soa_home}/bin/ant-sca-compile.xml" inheritAll="false">
        <property name="wl_home" value="${weblogic_home}"/>
        <property name="scac.input" value="./${sca_name}/composite.xml"/>
        <property name="scac.output" value="./logs/out.xml" />
        <property name="scac.error" value="./logs/out.err" />
        <property name="scac.application.home" value="."/>

<target name="sca-package" depends="sca-compile">
    <ant antfile="${soa_home}/bin/ant-sca-package.xml" inheritAll="false">
        <property name="compositeDir" value="./${sca_name}"/>
        <property name="compositeName" value="${sca_name}"/>
        <property name="revision" value="${rev_id}"/>
        <property name="sca.application.home" value="."/>

</project> file contains



while running ant I get the following error in ant -sca-package.xml

 [scac]  error: BPM-71504: Unexpected error parsing 'oramds:/soa/shared/work
 flow/TaskEvidenceService.xsd'.  Cause: oracle.mds.exception.MDSException: MDS-00
 054: The file to be loaded oramds:/soa/shared/workflow/TaskEvidenceService.xsd d
 oes not exist..  Action: Verify that file is valid and accessible

 [scac]  error: BPM-71504: Unexpected error parsing 'oramds:/soa/shared/work
 flow/WorkflowCommon.xsd'.  Cause: oracle.mds.exception.MDSException: MDS-00054:
 The file to be loaded oramds:/soa/shared/workflow/WorkflowCommon.xsd does not ex
 ist..  Action: Verify that file is valid and accessible

 [scac]  error: BPM-71504: Unexpected error parsing 'oramds:/soa/shared/work
 flow/WorkflowTask.xsd'.  Cause: oracle.mds.exception.MDSException: MDS-00054: Th
 e file to be loaded oramds:/soa/shared/workflow/WorkflowTask.xsd does not exist.
 .  Action: Verify that file is valid and accessible


Can anyone help me with this?


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2 answers

Looks like I figured out this problem.

If you face similar issues when calling ant -sca-package.xml from your build.xml script

  • open ant -sca-package.xml

  • modify scac-validate task and remove / comment

    < antcall target="scac" inheritall="true"/>

  • run your build script

This might fix the problem.





I am struggling with the same problem, thanks for the info. But where did you define "Composite.xml" and "Config file"? can't find it anywhere in your build.xml or Can you help me here here.



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