Python math module logarithm functions

Possible duplicate:
Inaccurate logarithm in Python

Why are the results math.log10(x)

and math.log(x,10)


In [1]: from math import *

In [2]: log10(1000)
Out[2]: 3.0

In [3]: log(1000,10)
Out[3]: 2.9999999999999996



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3 answers


and math.log(x, 10)

use a different algorithm, and the first is usually more accurate. This is actually a known issue (Issue6765): math.log, log10 mismatch .

You can think this way: it log10(x)

has a fixed base, so it can be calculated directly using some mathematical approximation formula (for example, the Taylor series), but log(x, 10)

from a more general formula with two variables, which can be indirectly calculated on log(x) / log(10)

(at least the accuracy of log ( 10) will affect the accuracy of the quotient). Naturally, the former method is faster and more accurate, and this is reasonable, given that it uses a previously known logarithmic base (i.e. 10).



This is a known bug:

It seems that logX (y) is always more accurate than the equivalent log (Y, X).



As others have pointed out, log(1000, 10)

computed internally as log(1000) / log(10)

. This can be verified empirically:

In [3]: math.log(1000, 10) == math.log(1000) / math.log(10)
Out[3]: True

In [4]: math.log10(1000) == math.log(1000) / math.log(10)
Out[4]: False


The results are neither log(1000)

, nor log(10)

can they be presented as float

, so the end result is also imprecise.



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