How can I check if List <obj> is null?

I have a list that takes a list from my server. this list will contain whatever the server finds in the ex database.

List<OBJ> lstObj = new Arraylist<OBJ>;

Service.getOBJ(new AsyncCallback<List<OBJ>>(){
    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

    public void onSuccess(List<OBJ> result) {
        //line to check if result is null


I tried



and also tried



but it didn't work. the list will be empty if the server does not find any records from the database. all i have to do is check if empty is empty.


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5 answers

Checking that the list is empty and checking whether it is result

zero are two different things.

if (result == null)


will see if the value is a result

null reference, that is, it does not belong to any list.

if (result.isEmpty())


will see if the value is a result

reference to an empty list ... the list exists, it just doesn't have any elements.

And of course, in cases where you don't know if it can result

be empty or empty, just use:

if (result == null || result.isEmpty())




Check the number of elements in the resulting list:

if (0==result.size()) {

    // Your code




You will do like this:

if (test != null && !test.isEmpty()) { }


This will check for both null and null, that is, if it is not null and not empty, do your processing.



You are obviously new to this programming task if you haven't checked your server yet, so I'm trying to figure out what might happen to your server. Depending on your "objects", you may have valid objects, which are data that are meaningless in different ways. For example, you can have String objects with different types of spaces.

This happens on servers that provide responses using PHP and JSP, where pages are assembled using various include mechanisms and there is a gap between them.



Below is the code for your code. If you want the denial logic to just change accordingly. As someone also suggests, CollectionUtils only provides utilities that remove such a null LOC check.

result == null || result.isEmpty() 


Hope this helps!



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