Android: combining static libraries into one

I am using Android NDK r8 to build multiple static libraries with include $ (BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY) and I am successfully getting: lib1.a, lib2.a, lib3.a, etc.

Now I would like to combine these static libraries into one.

I'm trying to do this using ar.exe with the Android NDK:

android-ndk-r8\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3\prebuilt\windows\arm-linux-androideabi\bin\ar.exe r libALL.a lib1.a lib2.a lib3.a


But when I use libAll.a in Android NDK makefile it doesn't say there is no index.

How do I add this index?

Another question:

When I show the contents of the libAll.a archive , I see lib1.a , lib2.a , lib3.a instead of .o symbols from those libraries.

How can I change this (= extract .o from static libraries to merge it into libAll.a)?



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1 answer


is just an archiving tool like zip. It takes data from input files and creates an archive .a

. If you want to include all files .o

in one archive, you must specify each individual file. I don't know how to do this on WIndows, but on Linux you can use somthing like ar rs $(find . -name *.o)




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