
Typescript doesn't compile e.currentTarget.files

I have read with Jquery input files

<INPUT TYPE=FILE id="file" NAME="upfile" multiple>


With this code

$('#inputFile').on('change', 'body', (e) => {
  var files: any = e.currentTarget.files;  });


But typescript doesn't know that e.currentTarget has poperty files in this case. And give me a compile error.

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you in advance


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3 answers

$('#input-container').on('change', null, (e) => {
    var input = <HTMLInputElement>e.target;
    var files = input.files; //give you intellisense on files





has two different overloads (version 1.8). You are using the wrong overloaded method. Use correct

If you have no data to transfer, change your code to

$('#inputFile').on('change', 'body', null, (e) => {
var files: any = e.currentTarget.files;  });




Similar to @ michael-tranchida, but I think a little cleaner:

export class Page {
    public fileToUpload:File = null;

    constructor(public fileInput: JQuery, public fileDetails: JQuery) {
        $(fileInput).on('change', (e) => {
            this.fileToUpload = <File>$(e.target).prop('files')[0];
            $(fileDetails).html(this.fileToUpload.name); // intellisense on fileToUpload




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