Populating dropdown using Jock Knockout parameter using json object returned by ajax call

I am using knockout js for data binding in my single page web application, I need to populate a dropdown using the json object returned as a response in an ajax call to the server. I am adding my model and ajax call here. Please suggest solutions.

var permissionRequestModel = {
fromDate: ko.observable(''),
toDate: ko.observable(''),
fulldayPermission: ko.observable(false),

fromTimeHH: ko.observable(''),
fromTimeMM: ko.observable(''),
toTimeHH: ko.observable(''),
toTimeMM: ko.observable(''),

permissionTypeOne: ko.observable(''),
permissionTypeTwo: ko.observable(''),

approverList: ko.observableArray([]),

reasonLeave: ko.observable('')


//ajax call

$(function () {

    url: "http://ec2-107-20-7-114.compute-1.amazonaws.com/adco/api/Request/permission?appid=1&opertype=requestor&employeeNo=1000416",
    type: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json",
    dataType: "json",
    error: function () {
    success: function (data) {


I need to populate the ApproverList (ko.observablearray) with a json response.


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1 answer

Usage of the Knockout Display Plugin :

approverList = ko.mapping.fromJS(data);


Or if you want to update an already populated view model:

success: function (data)
    ko.mapping.fromJS(data, approverList);




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