How do I instantiate LiveConnectClient?

LiveConnectClient liveClient = new LiveConnectClient();   // ERROR



the constructor requires a LiveConnectSession

varaiable, but LiveConnectSession

does not have a public constructor, and the reference cannot be assigned without initialization.

How do I fix the error above?


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2 answers

Sorry for the previous bad answer; I've taken too much. So the error simply means that you shouldn't create the LiveConnectClient this way.

See this Microsoft post for example code and this post which has some similar code.



The LiveConnectClient needs to be created with a valid LiveConnectSession, as you learned. This is for use with the SignInButton from the Live SDK. After installing the Live SDK, add SignInButton to your XAML and handle the SessionChanged event in code.

The LiveConnectSessionChangedEventArgs parameter included in the SessionChanged event contains a LiveConnectSession that you can use to create a LiveConnectClient. Just keep this session for the life of your application.

Cheers Laurent



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