Delete all rows from table in NHibernate

I have an application using Fluent NHibernate and NHibernate, I have a generic DAO class, in this class I have generic methods for persisting data, but I want to create a generic method to delete all records from one table. At this point, I have this method:

Public Sub ClearTable(ByVal sTable As String)
    Using session = SessaoNHibernate.OpenSession()
        Using transaction = session.BeginTransaction()
                session.CreateSQLQuery("delete from " & sTable).ExecuteUpdate()
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Using
    End Using
End Sub


I have a generic class, so I want to create a method that shouldn't pass the table name. Because the generic class knows its type.


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1 answer

Just don't run it as a SQL query, and you can pass the class name instead:

session.CreateQuery("delete from EntityClass").ExecuteUpdate()




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