Getting [ERR!] As output when trying to use Nancy SuperSimpleViewEngine to render partial data

The example I'm using is litterally the ones on the example page here:

So, I have my files created with index.sshtml and master.sshtml (copied / pasted in the example transcript) to the root directory and serving as the result:

Get["/"] = result => View["index.sshtml"];


When I go to localhost in my browser, I get text simply saying "[ERR!]" Instead of "This is the content on the index page" which I expected.

What am I doing wrong? Is there something I have to explicitly do to enable the Master / Section functionality for the SSVE?

Edit: Views:






   This is content on the index page


File structure: + Debug | --- ConsoleApplication1.exe | --- index.sshtml | --- master.sshtml | --- (rest of Visual Studio output files) I'm sure this is the simplest example that might work, and for some reason it doesn't. There are no (non-displayable) exceptions in the debug window that are not displayed in the debug window, and no other indication that something went wrong, except that [ERR!] Is printed. This is the only content that gets printed, so I am assuming something in the Master block is failing ...


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1 answer

If anyone else sees this, make sure all .sshtml files are marked as "Copy to Output Directory": "Copy Always" under File Properties



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