Data Histogram - Optimized bin width optimization

I am looking to generate a data bar graph from a given dataset. I have read about different options for plotting a histogram and I'm most interested in the work-based method

Shimazaki, H .; Sinomoto, S. (2007). "Hopper selection method time histogram size"

The above method uses an estimate to determine the optimal bin width and distribution, which is necessary in my case because the sample data will vary in distribution and it is difficult to determine the number and bin widths in advance.

Can someone recommend a good source or starting point for writing such a function in C #, or have a reasonably close C # histogram code.

Many thanks.


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4 answers

Below is the port I wrote about the Python version of this algorithm from here . I know the API might work with some work, but that should be enough to get you started. The results of this code are identical to those generated by the Python code for the same input.

public class HistSample
    public static void CalculateOptimalBinWidth(double[] x)
        double xMax = x.Max(), xMin = x.Min();
        int minBins = 4, maxBins = 50;
        double[] N = Enumerable.Range(minBins, maxBins - minBins)
            .Select(v => (double)v).ToArray();
        double[] D = N.Select(v => (xMax - xMin) / v).ToArray();
        double[] C = new double[D.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < N.Length; i++)
            double[] binIntervals = LinearSpace(xMin, xMax, (int)N[i] + 1);
            double[] ki = Histogram(x, binIntervals);
            ki = ki.Skip(1).Take(ki.Length - 2).ToArray();

            double mean = ki.Average();
            double variance = ki.Select(v => Math.Pow(v - mean, 2)).Sum() / N[i];

            C[i] = (2 * mean - variance) / (Math.Pow(D[i], 2));

        double minC = C.Min();
        int index = C.Select((c, ix) => new { Value = c, Index = ix })
            .Where(c => c.Value == minC).First().Index;
        double optimalBinWidth = D[index];

    public static double[] Histogram(double[] data, double[] binEdges)
        double[] counts = new double[binEdges.Length - 1];

        for (int i = 0; i < binEdges.Length - 1; i++)
            double lower = binEdges[i], upper = binEdges[i + 1];

            for (int j = 0; j < data.Length; j++)
                if (data[j] >= lower && data[j] <= upper)

        return counts;

    public static double[] LinearSpace(double a, double b, int count)
        double[] output = new double[count];

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            output[i] = a + ((i * (b - a)) / (count - 1));

        return output;


Run it like this:

double[] x =
    4.37, 3.87, 4.00, 4.03, 3.50, 4.08, 2.25, 4.70, 1.73,
    4.93, 1.73, 4.62, 3.43, 4.25, 1.68, 3.92, 3.68, 3.10,
    4.03, 1.77, 4.08, 1.75, 3.20, 1.85, 4.62, 1.97, 4.50,
    3.92, 4.35, 2.33, 3.83, 1.88, 4.60, 1.80, 4.73, 1.77,
    4.57, 1.85, 3.52, 4.00, 3.70, 3.72, 4.25, 3.58, 3.80,
    3.77, 3.75, 2.50, 4.50, 4.10, 3.70, 3.80, 3.43, 4.00,
    2.27, 4.40, 4.05, 4.25, 3.33, 2.00, 4.33, 2.93, 4.58,
    1.90, 3.58, 3.73, 3.73, 1.82, 4.63, 3.50, 4.00, 3.67,
    1.67, 4.60, 1.67, 4.00, 1.80, 4.42, 1.90, 4.63, 2.93,
    3.50, 1.97, 4.28, 1.83, 4.13, 1.83, 4.65, 4.20, 3.93,
    4.33, 1.83, 4.53, 2.03, 4.18, 4.43, 4.07, 4.13, 3.95,
    4.10, 2.27, 4.58, 1.90, 4.50, 1.95, 4.83, 4.12





Check the histogram function. If any item is unlucky enough to be equal to the bin boundary (except for the first or last bin), they will be counted in both successive bins. The code should check for (lower <= data [j] && data [j] <upper) and handle the case where all elements equal to xMax hit the last bit.



I would recommend a binary search to speed up class spacing.

public void Add(double element)
  if (element < Bins.First().LeftBound || element > Bins.Last().RightBound)

  var min = 0;
  var max = Bins.Length - 1;
  var index = 0;

  while (min <= max)
    index = min + ((max - min) / 2);

    if (element >= Bins[index].LeftBound && element < Bins[index].RightBound)

    if (element < Bins[index].LeftBound)
      max = index - 1;
      min = index + 1;



Bins is a list of items of type HistogramItem that defines properties such as Leftbound, RightBound, and Count.



Small update for nick_w's answer.

If you really want bunkers. Plus optimized the double loop in the histogram function and also got rid of the linspace function.

     /// <summary>
     /// Calculate the optimal bins for the given data
     /// </summary>
     /// <param name="x">The data you have</param>
     /// <param name="xMin">The minimum element</param>
     /// <param name="optimalBinWidth">The width between each bin</param>
     /// <returns>The bins</returns>
     public static int[] CalculateOptimalBinWidth(List<double> x, out double xMin, out double optimalBinWidth)
        var xMax = x.Max();
        xMin = x.Min();
        optimalBinWidth = 0;
        const int MIN_BINS = 1;
        const int MAX_BINS = 20;

        int[] minKi = null;
        var minOffset = double.MaxValue;

        foreach (var n in Enumerable.Range(MIN_BINS, MAX_BINS - MIN_BINS).Select(v => v*5))
           var d = (xMax - xMin)/n;
           var ki = Histogram(x, n, xMin, d);
           var ki2 = ki.Skip(1).Take(ki.Length - 2).ToArray();

           var mean = ki2.Average();
           var variance = ki2.Select(v => Math.Pow(v - mean, 2)).Sum()/n;

           var offset = (2*mean - variance)/Math.Pow(d, 2);

           if (offset < minOffset)
              minKi = ki;
              minOffset = offset;
              optimalBinWidth = d;
        return minKi;

     private static int[] Histogram(List<double> data, int count, double xMin, double d)
        var histogram = new int[count];
        foreach (var t in data)
           var bucket = (int) Math.Truncate((t - xMin)/d);
           if (count == bucket) //fix xMax
              bucket --;
        return histogram;




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