Why is reflection not finding property

I have a class:

    class Person 
        public string Name { get { return "Antonio"; } }


and the code:

        IEnumerable<object> uncknownObject;

        uncknownObject = new ObservableCollection<Person>( );

        var observCol = uncknownObject.GetType( );

        var x = ( ( dynamic )observCol ).GenericTypeArguments[ 0 ];

        var y = observCol.GetProperty( "GenericTypeArguments" );

        var instance = ( Person )Activator.CreateInstance( x );

        Console.WriteLine( instance.Name ); // Print Antonio!!!


why y == null


Pay attention to the picture:

enter image description here

the debugger shows that the GenericTypeArguments property should exist, and the code shows opossite. It can be proven that the debugger is right and this property exists because whereas x is not null. If this property exists, then why y

is it zero !!! ???


Thanks to Ani, I now have:

        IEnumerable<object> uncknownObject;

        uncknownObject = new ObservableCollection<Person>();

        var observCol = uncknownObject.GetType();

        var genTypeArgsProperty = typeof(Type).GetProperty("UnderlyingSystemType");

        var genTypeArgsValue = (genTypeArgsProperty.GetValue(observCol, null));

        var f = genTypeArgsValue.GetType().GetMethod("GetGenericArguments");

        IEnumerable<object> result = (IEnumerable<object>)f.Invoke(genTypeArgsValue, null);

        var x = result.FirstOrDefault();

        var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(  (Type)x );


In case you are curious as to what I need this functionality for, click here


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2 answers

I really don't understand what you are trying to accomplish with all this meta-meta-reflection, but you seem to have misunderstood what it does Type.GetProperty

. It retrieves the metadata for a property by the actual type represented by the instance System.Type

(in this case ObservableCollection<Person>

). It does not receive metadata for a self-declared property System.Type

, unless of course you name it on the System.Type

represent System.Type


In your case, y

it is null as it ObservableCollection<Person>

does not have a property named "GenericTypeArguments".

Try this instead:

var genTypeArgsProperty = typeof(Type).GetProperty("GenericTypeArguments");

var genTypeArgsValue = (Type[]) (genTypeArgsProperty.GetValue(observCol, null));

var onlyTypeArgValue = genTypeArgsValue.Single();




This code works with grid 4:

        IEnumerable<object> uncknownObject;

        uncknownObject = new ObservableCollection<Person>();

        var observCol = uncknownObject.GetType();

        var x = ((dynamic) observCol).UnderlyingSystemType.GetGenericArguments()[0];

        var y = observCol.GetGenericArguments();

        var instance = (Person)Activator.CreateInstance(x);

        Console.WriteLine(instance.Name); // Print Antonio!!!




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