Get type of items in ObservableCollection

I have a view (consists of a list) that is bound to some observable collection. In other words, I:

var someCollection = new ObservableCollection<ClassFoo>();
// initialize someCollection

ListView someView = new ListView();
someView.DataContext = someCollection;
someView.ItemsSource = someCollection;



  • someView

    located on Project1.dll and someCollection

    on Project2.dll
  • Project2.dll is referenced to Project1.dll AND Project1.dll is NOT referenced to Project2.dll

So in my opinion I have a reference to someCollection of type ObservableCollection<object>

, because I will get a compilation error if it has its actual type ObservableCollection<ClassFoo>

, because I will need to add a reference to Project2.dll.

For some reason I cannot add this link and I my boss wants me to create teams, etc.

The last part just explains why I want to do this, but in short I am looking for:

  ObservableCollection<object> myUnknownObservableCollection = someReference;
  // I know that someReferce is of type ObservableCollection<ClassFoo>
  var x = myUnknownObservableCollection.GetType().GetTypeOfItems.....


in the end I will need x to be equal typeof(ClassFoo)

, how can I do this with reflection given that someReference is of type ObservableCollection<ClassFoo>



I have a solution! Here he is:

    class Person 
        public string Name { get { return "Antonio"; } }


    // view code:

    IEnumerable<object> uncknownObject;

    // view model does this:
    uncknownObject = new ObservableCollection<Person>( );

    // continuation of view code:

    var observCol = uncknownObject.GetType( );

    var x = ( ( dynamic )observCol ).GenericTypeArguments[ 0 ]; 

    var instance = ( Person )Activator.CreateInstance( x );

    Console.WriteLine( instance.Name ); // Print Antonio!!!


It would be nice to be able to do this without a dynamic datatype, but

Edit 2

Here is a solution running .net 4.0 without using dynamic type


source to share

1 answer

If you plan on using mvvm, a dynamic type will not help with binding. You may need to use the interface that SLaks suggested

public interface IClassFoo
   string Name { get; }

public class ClassFoo : IClassFoo
    public string Name { get { return "Antonio"; } }

var someCollection = new ObservableCollection<IClassFoo>();




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