What is the interest of function objects <function> in C ++ 03?
I am writing a wrapper around a http server in C ++. My compiler only supports C ++ 03 (gcc 4.1.2) and I cannot use boost.
I wanted to implement a generic callback mechanism for responding to requests, capable of registering a function or an object method or a method of static objects.
A (too) quick look at function objects <functional>
(C ++ 03, http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/functional/ ) makes me think this was the answer.
However, it seems that object objects are <functional>
not designed to provide a generic callback mechanism.
So, I wonder: what is the use of function objects <functional>
in C ++ 03? What are they for? What are the true benefits they should provide over simple function pointers? Or is the C ++ 03 version wrong and only the C ++ 11 version is actually useful?
[edit] For what I understood at the beginning, it seemed to me that the C ++ 03 function object was just a useless wrapper over a function pointer. Then I would rather use a function pointer. Correcting this incorrect analysis is the question of this question!
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I don't understand your question <functional>
- this is a title, not a mechanism. The header provides utilities for conveniently creating functional objects. As a simple example, let's say you want to invoke a transformation by multiplying the elements of one range by another and storing the result in the third. You can define a function like this:
double mult(double lhs, double rhs) { return lhs * rhs; };
Then call it like this:
std::transform(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), out.begin(), mult);
Or you can use std::multiplies
which is already defined for you:
std::transform(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), out.begin(), std::multiplies<double>());
There are many other examples. You just need to be creative. C ++ 11 lambdas made many of the objects <functional>
obsolete, or at least much less useful, as you can simply define your functions according to your algorithm calls.
I wanted to implement a generic callback mechanism to respond to a Request
The C ++ 03 version <functional>
won't help you with this. The C ++ 11 version works with std::function
adapted from boost::function
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