Paste into Access from SQL Server

I want to copy several thousand records from SQL Server to Access in C #. Another direction works with help SqlBulkCopy

. Is there something like that to do it backwards?

I try to stay away from every field in every record and create a disgusting statement Insert

that will not only run forever, but will most likely be terrible if anything changes.


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1 answer

This will work with MS Access OleConnection:

SELECT fld1, fld2 INTO accessTable FROM [sql connection string].sqltable


For example:

SELECT * INTO newtable 
[ODBC;Description=Test;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=server\SQLEXPRESS;UID=uid;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=Test].table_1


Or add

INSERT INTO newtable
FROM [ODBC;Description=Test;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=server\SQLEXPRESS;UID=uid;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=Test].table_1;


Or with FileDSN

INSERT INTO newtable
FROM [ODBC;FileDSN=z:\docs\test.dsn].table_1;


You will need to find a suitable driver like

ODBC;Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase; Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword; 


From works for me, but check your client version.



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