Windsor Castle and LifestyleBoundTo (scopeRootBinder)

I cannot find examples of using scopeRootBinder. I'm not sure if this can help me. Here is the problem (test). I need each ChildService instance to get an assembly with its own Component2 instance.

    public void CastleContainer_ChildServices_GetItsOwnObject()
        var container = new WindsorContainer();
                                                     .Eq("ChildService", "ChildService")));
        //nearest in 3.2 container.Register(Component.For<Component2>().ImplementedBy<Component2>().LifestyleBoundToNearest<IChildService>());
        //creates single instance of Component2 container.Register(Component.For<Component2>().ImplementedBy<Component2>().LifestyleBoundTo<ChildService>());

        Func<IHandler[], IHandler> scopeRootBinder = ScopeRootBinder;

        var rs = container.Resolve<IRootService>();
        var first = rs.ChildServices[0];
        var second = rs.ChildServices[1];
        ReferenceEquals(first, second).Should().BeFalse();
        ReferenceEquals(first.Component2, second.Component2).Should().BeFalse("each child service should have its own Component2");
        ReferenceEquals(first.Component2, first.Component3.Component2).Should().BeTrue();
        ReferenceEquals(second.Component2, second.Component3.Component2).Should().BeTrue();
    private IHandler ScopeRootBinder(IHandler[] handlers)
        //not clear what should be here???
        var r = handlers.FirstOrDefault(h => h.ComponentModel.Services.Any(t => t.Name == "IChildService"));
        return r;


and here are the classes

public interface IRootService
    IChildService[] ChildServices { get; }

public class RootService : IRootService
    public RootService(IChildService[] childServices)
        ChildServices = childServices;

    public IChildService[] ChildServices { get; private set; }

public interface IChildService
    Component3 Component3 { get; }

    Component2 Component2 { get; }


public class ChildService: IChildService
    public ChildService(Component2 comp, Component3 comp3)
        Component2 = comp;
        Component3 = comp3;

    public Component3 Component3 { get; set; }

    public Component2 Component2 { get; set; }

public class Component3
    public Component3(Component2 comp)
        Component2 = comp;

    public Component2 Component2 { get; set; }

public class Component2
    private Guid _guid = Guid.NewGuid();



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