Magento programmatically creates category tree

I want to add a category tree to several options controls

I am looking for a lot on this received this link

but it gives me the output in the ul li structure like this

enter image description here

but I want this tree structure to include multiple options

can anyone know what to do with the changes in the link code


source to share

1 answer

Array preparation:

public function getCategoriesArray() {

    $categoriesArray = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
            ->addAttributeToSort('path', 'asc')

    $categories = array();
    foreach ($categoriesArray as $categoryId => $category) {
        if (isset($category['name']) && isset($category['level'])) {
            $categories[] = array(
                'label' => $category['name'],
                'level'  =>$category['level'],
                'value' => $categoryId

    return $categories;


Display in the form:

    $fieldset->addField('categories', 'multiselect', array(
        'label' => $this->__('Categories'),
        'name' => 'categories',
        'values' => Mage::getModel(...)->getCategoriesArray(),




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