JQuery <select> Changes Another <select>

I am trying to use jQuery .change()

to create two <select>

elements where the first <select id="state">

is for creating a list of states and the second <select id="city">

is for creating a list of cities.

State and city values ​​will not be hardcoded, but generated from values ​​passed from web services.

The configurable list should work like this: if the user selects a state from <select id="state">

, the selected value will be passed to the web service to retrieve the list to generate <select id="city">

for cities.

I'm really not sure how to implement this. Can anyone advise me?


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3 answers

it should look something like this:

// populate the states list from Ajax 

    $.ajax( {
       success:function( data ) { 
            var statesList = data;
            if ( typeof(data) == "string" ){
                 statesList = JSON.parse(data);
            $.each( statesList, function( index, state ){
                     $("#state").append($("<option></option>",{value:state.value, text:state.label});
       error:function( result ) { 
            console.log(["error getting states",result]);

    // register on state list change
    $("#state").change( function(){
            // on change dispatch an AJAX request for cities and populate cities 
        $.ajax({ url : "/listCities",
            data : {"state": $("#state").val() },
            success:function( data ) {
                var citiesList = data; // assuming list object
                if ( typeof(data) == "string"){ // but if string
                    citiesList = JSON.parse( data );
                $.each(citiesList, function(index,city){
                    $("#city").append($("<option></option>", {"value":city.value, "text":city.label}));
            error:function( result ){ console.log(["error", result]); }



This might get you started, but I haven't followed the best practices here.

Pass the

  • I am registering for a "change" event on select with state id.
  • On change, if it was started, I make an Ajax request to the "/ listCities" address
  • I am assuming this place is called with the "GET" method
  • I am passing in the currently selected state, so the server will know which cities to list.
  • If Ajax via error, I log the error to the console.
  • If the Ajax was successful, I populate the select with the id "city" with parameters containing the values ​​for each city and a label.

I was taking the following things while writing code

  • You have a GET / listCities route that expects state.
  • The response from this route is JSON containing a list of values ​​and labels for each city. Something like that:

    [{ value : "AM" , label : "Amsterdam" }, .... ]

The only thing you might need to read for this example is:

If you have any questions, please comment on my answer, I will be happy to explain / add / change



You must follow these steps to achieve this:

  • first when the page load fills the first list of countries via ajax (my guess)
  • then create event .change()

    with list of countries
  • This will send a request and return a status list response according to the selected country.

you can try to test it like this:

      url:your url,
      type: 'post',
      dataType: 'json', // or your choice of returned data
      success: function(data){
          $.each(data, function(i, v){
             $('<option value="'+v.name+'">'+v.text+'</option>').appendTo('#country');

         url:your url,
         type: 'post',
         dataType: 'json', // or your choice of returned data
         success: function(states){
             $.each(states, function(i, stt){
                $('<option value="'+stt.name+'">'+stt.text+'</option>').appendTo('#states');





Pretty simple - all you have to do is have two dropdowns: one with full lists of states, and the second (empty) list of cities will only contain one empty disabled option.

Once the state dropdown fires the event change

, you retrieve the state data and send it via an AJAX call to your server or some web service that will return a list of cities in that state.

Then you will write a second dropdown with the city returned values.



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