How to tell if EKCalendar is a Facebook calendar?

For anyone EKCalendar

, how can I check if this calendar is a Facebook calendar? Facebook calendar can be Facebook event calendar or Facebook birthday calendar.


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2 answers

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell if a particular calendar is a facebook calendar without using a private API.
I posted a bug report during the iOS 6 beta and an Apple engineer told me that they would fix it for the final release, but it turned out they didn't ...

However, you can check if a particular event is a facebook event:

BOOL isFacebookEvent = [[event.URL host] hasSuffix:@""];


It doesn't work for facebook birthdays though!



There is still no public API in EventKit, but there is a workaround using only public methods.

Each calendar has a color property: ekCalendar.CGColor

The Facebook calendar color is Facebook Blue, so by comparing the rbg components of the calendar color, you can determine that the calendar is most likely from Facebook.

I wrote a quick extension for UIColor to check if a given color is Facebook Blue (complete with helper functions to make UIColor rgb function faster)

extension UIColor {

    struct rgbComponents {
        var red : CGFloat
        var green : CGFloat
        var blue : CGFloat
        var alpha : CGFloat

    func toComponents()->rgbComponents {
        var r:CGFloat = 0
        var g:CGFloat = 0
        var b:CGFloat = 0
        var a:CGFloat = 0

        var components : rgbComponents

        if self.getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a) {
            components = rgbComponents(red: r, green: g, blue: b,  alpha: a)
        } else {
            components = rgbComponents(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0)

        return components

    func isFBBlue()->Bool {
        let c = self.toComponents()
        let result = == 0.18823529779911041
                        && == 0.39215686917304993
                        && == 0.7137255072593689
                        &&  c.alpha == 1.0
        return result




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