Convert nested set in php for nested array without depth parameter

Given an array:

$arrData = array(
 0 => array (
   'uid'   => 1,
   'name'  => 'label',
   'open'  => 0,
   'close' => 9
 1 => array (
   'uid'   => 2,
   'name'  => 'label',
   'open'  => 1,
   'close' => 2
 2 => array (
   'uid'   => 3,
   'name'  => 'label',
   'open'  => 3,
   'close' => 8
 3 => array (
   'uid'   => 4,
   'name'  => 'label',
   'open'  => 4,
   'close' => 5
 4 => array (
   'uid'   => 5,
   'name'  => 'label',
   'open'  => 6,
   'close' => 7


What is this structure:

<label>     [0,9]
 <label />  [1,2]
 <label>    [3,8]
  <label /> [4,5]
  <label /> [6,7]


I'm trying to navigate to an array that results in this format:

$arrNesting = array(
   'item'    => array('uid'=>1, 'name'=>'label', 'open'=>0, 'close'=>9),
   'children' => array(
       'item'     => array('uid'=>2, 'name'=>'label', 'open'=>1, 'close'=>2),
       'children' => array()
       'item'     => array('uid'=>3, 'name'=>'label', 'open'=>3, 'close'=>8),
       'children' => array(
           'item'     => array('uid'=>2, 'name'=>'label', 'open'=>4, 'close'=>5),
           'children' => array()
           'item'     => array('uid'=>3, 'name'=>'label', 'open'=>6, 'close'=>7),
           'children' => array()


via a function call like this:

// $arrData: Source Data with keys for denoting the left and right node values
// 'open': the key for the left node value
// 'close': the key for the right node value
$arrNested = format::nestedSetToArray( $arrData, 'open', 'close' );


So far I have tried this format, assuming the $ arrData values will always be in ascending order from the left . Uid values ​​are also ok, but they are not relied upon:

public static function nestedSetToArray( $arrData = array(), $openKey='open', $closeKey='close') {
// Hold the current Hierarchy
$arrSets = array();

// Last parent Index, starting from 0
$intIndex = 0;

// Last Opened and Closed Node Values, and maximum node value in this set
$intLastOpened = 0;
$intLastClosed = null;
$intMaxNodeNum = null;

// loop through $arrData
foreach( $arrData as $intKey=>$arrValues) {
  if( !isset( $arrSets[ $intIndex ] )) {
      // Create a parent if one is not set - should happen the first time through
      $arrSets[ $intIndex ] = array ('item'=>$arrValues,'children'=>array());
      $intLastOpened = $arrValues[ $openKey ];
      $intLastClosed = null; // not sure how to set this for checking 2nd IF below
      $intMaxNodeNum = $arrValues[ $closeKey ];
  } else {
      // The current item in $arrData must be a sibling or child of the last one or sibling of an ancestor
      if( $arrValues[ $openKey ] == $intLastOpened + 1) {
         // This is 1 greater then an opening node, so it a child of it
      } else if( /* condition for sibling */ ) {
         // This is 1 greater than the intLastClosed value - so it a sibling
      } else if( /* condition for sibling of ancestor */ ) {
         // This starts with a value greater than the parent closing value...hmm



Any pointers to take this further would be appreciated.


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1 answer

This should work

$stack = array();
$arraySet = array();

foreach( $arrData as $intKey=>$arrValues) {
    $stackSize = count($stack); //how many opened tags?
    while($stackSize > 0 && $stack[$stackSize-1]['close'] < $arrValues['open']) {
            array_pop($stack); //close sibling and his childrens

    $link =& $arraySet;
    for($i=0;$i<$stackSize;$i++) {
        $link =& $link[$stack[$i]['index']]["children"]; //navigate to the proper children array
    $tmp = array_push($link,  array ('item'=>$arrValues,'children'=>array()));
    array_push($stack, array('index' => $tmp-1, 'close' => $arrValues['close']));


return $arraySet;


I am missing the parameterized open and closed tags, but you can just add them.


What's going on here:


Empty at first , so we skip while()

. Then we assign a link to $arraySet

on $link

as $stack

empty, we click on the first item $link

, which refers to $arraySet

. array_push () return 1 because this is the new length of

$ arraySet Next we add an element to the

$ stack whit values

('index' => 0, 'close' => 10) `

Next item: Now $stack

has 1 item, but $stack[0]['close']

more than the $arrValues['open']

item, so we skip the while. Again we establish a link to $arraySet

on $link

, but now is an element of $stack

, so we assign a link $link[$stack[0]['index']]["children"]

link $ link, so now $link

indicates $arraySet[0]["children"]

. We are now pushing an element to this child array. $tmp

gives us the size of this child array and we push the corresponding element onto the stack.

Next item: It looks exactly like the second one, but first we pop one item off the stack. So after this iteration, there are two items on the stack

('index' => 0, 'close' => 10)
('index' => 0, 'close' => 8)


Next item: There are two items on the stack, but both have a higher attribute close

, and then $arrValues['open']

, so we skip the while loop. Then in the navigation part:

  • $link

    points to $arraySet

  • then $arraySet[0]["children"]

  • then $arraySet[0]["children"][0]["children"]

And we push an item onto this array. Etc...



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