Tr command can't pipe output?

I have a file.txt file that has these entries




I ran the command tr '\ n' ',' <file.txt and successfully removed all newlines.

I need all this output in the same file.txt file, so I redirected the output like this

tr '\ n' ',' <file.txt> file.txt,

but it doesn't put anything in the .txt file and the resulting file is empty. Can anyone explain to me why tr output is lost due to redirection.


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3 answers

because it first opens the output file which deletes what is in the file and then feels nothing in the tr command and returns to an empty file

tr '\n' ',' < file.txt > file2.txt 


will work



since you tagged your question with sed

i suggest sed oneliner, also sed can modify your file "in place" with the "-i" option

sed -i ':a $!N; s/\n/,/; ta' file


or with awk

awk '{x=x""sprintf($0",")}END{gsub(/,$/,"",x);print x}' file


no, like sed, awk has no in-place option, you need:

awk '...' file > /tmp/mytmp && mv /tmp/mytmp file




If you just want to replace the newline ,

you can us this

awk 'ORS=","' temp.txt > file.txt



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