Base64 encodes PNG to Blob
I was messing around with creating a Blob from a base64 encoded PNG ...
final FormData formData = new FormData(); final String base64Image = "<reduced the data.....>gg=="; final Blob blob = new Blob([base64Image],"image/png"); formData.append('file', blob, "android.png"); req.send(formData);
I don't know what I am doing wrong, but the content of the blob is something but not a png. I wish it were.
thanks in advance...
[ Refresh ]
final FormData formData = new FormData(); final String base64Image = "iVBORw0KGgo<...reduce data...>kJggg=="; // BTW: I used the Base64 from dart-sdk/io/base64.dart final List<int> intList = Base64.decode(base64Image); final Int8Array int8array = new Int8Array.fromList(intList); final String atobString = window.atob(base64Image); // Does not work // final Blob blob = new Blob([atobString]); // The same... // final Blob blob = new Blob([int8array]); formData.append('file', blob, "android.png"); //formData.append('new-filename', "icon-share.png"); req.send(formData);
I think the number of bytes generated by Base64.decode is ok. The file size was 1003 bytes and decoding also produces 1003 bytes.
[ Update 2 ] Here is the source I'm talking about:
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2 answers
OK, here's the answer to my question:
import 'dart:convert' ... test(' -> Upload File to REST-Server', () { final HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); loadEnd(HttpRequest request) { if (request.readyState == HttpRequest.DONE) { switch(request.status) { case HttpStatus.HTTP_200_OK: expect(response['path'].endsWith("android.png"),true); break; case HttpStatus.HTTP_0_COMMUNICATION_FAILED: expect(request.status,HttpStatus.HTTP_200_OK); break; default: expect(request.status,HttpStatus.HTTP_200_OK); break; } } }"POST", uriprovider.forUpload().toString()); // REST returns JSON Data req.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); req.onLoadEnd.listen(expectAsync1((ProgressEvent e) => loadEnd(req))); final FormData formData = new FormData(); final String base64Image = "<code reduce for sample>RU5ErkJggg=="; final String raw = "iVBORw0KG<code reduce for sample>RU5ErkJggg=="; final String contenttype = "image/png"; // Base64 is a modified version of dart-sdk/lib/io/base64.dart final List<int> intList = BASE64.decode(raw); final Int8Array int8array = new Int8Array.fromList(intList); // Converting to Uint8Array brought the solution! final Uint8Array uint8array = new Uint8Array(intList.length); // does not work! //var binary = window.atob(raw); final Blob blob = new Blob([uint8array]); formData.append('file', blob, "android.png"); req.send(formData); });
Thanks to everyone who is pushing me in the right direction!
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