How to get the value of estimated parameters in SAS (proc phreg)?

How to get the value of estimated parameters in SAS (proc phreg)? I have looked for OUTPUT syntax and baseline but they only give XBETA ets value.


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1 answer

I'm not into statistics, so I'm just guessing what meaning you mean - here's an example I think might help you:

ods trace on;
ods output ParameterEstimates=work.my_estimates_dataset;
proc phreg data=sashelp.class;
model age = height;

ods trace off;


The SAS Output Delivery System SAS / Base component is used. With, ods trace on;

you will see links to parts of the procedure output in the SAS log:

Output Added:
Name:       ParameterEstimates
Label:      Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Model Parameters
Template:   Stat.Phreg.ParameterEstimates
Path:       Phreg.ParameterEstimates


You can reference those (usually by name or path) and store them in a table using the operator ODS OUTPUT...

. Look for the SAS ODS user manual for more details.



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