How to save path and return to it with Ember V2 Router

So, I am having problems with the new Ember router. I am trying to save and later revert to the current path for a given dynamic segment, so my urls might look like



which can then separate into



etc .. I need a way to go back to the most recent route. The Ember manual has a method to do this here:

The problem with this method is that by creating the route "/ choose" and assigning it to "/", this overwrites the default route "/ inventory / vehicle / 1001". For example, if I tried to link to a vehicle like this:

{{#linkTo "vehicle" vehicle}}


Then Ember throws an error because the "car" route no longer exists. Instead, it should be installed:

{{#linkTo "vehicle.choose" vehicle}}


What works is activating VehicleChooseRoute and all. Also, since "vehicle.choose" is technically a child of a "vehicle", #linkTo ONLY has an active class applied when the current route



Which is instantly redirected to the last filter, and so it's basically never included. So basically I'm trying to find a way to get around this. I tried changing the "vehicle.choose" path to be the default path (# / inventory / vehicle / 1001 / choose) so that it doesn't overwrite the "car" route, and then set up VehicleRoute like this: {
  this.resource('inventory', function(){
    this.resource('vehicle', { path: '/vehicle/:vehicle_id' }, function(){

App.VehicleRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function(params) {
    return Case.Vehicle.find(params.vehicle_id);
  setupController: function(controller, model) {
    model.set('active', true);
  redirect: function() {

Case.VehicleChooseRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  redirect: function() {
    var lastFilter = this.controllerFor('vehicle').get('lastFilter');
    this.transitionTo('vehicle.' + (lastFilter || 'details'));


But the problem that comes from this (besides feeling like it's hacked together) is that the redirect replaces the entire template that would normally be rendered by "vehicle", so I only get the view. So not an option.


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