Tinkerpop - how to find a node in a graph?
I can't find a specific node in the graph without going through all this. Is there something I am missing?
I am using tinkerpop blueprints.
Orientdb gives some kind of unearthly id for a node like "# 8: 1" - how can I find this without knowing the id? vertex has a property like "user = jason" that identifies it. I think I am just using redis to store user / location pair or otherwise use supernode (no thanks)
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1 answer
Blueprints have the concept of key indicators.
As per your example, define a key index for "user" and then query it using the key index. Here's an example using OrientDB from Gremlin's invitation:
gremlin> g = new OrientGraph("memory://graph")
gremlin> g.createKeyIndex("user", Vertex.class)
gremlin> g.addVertex([user:"Jason"])
gremlin> g.addVertex([user:"Rick"])
gremlin> g.stopTransaction(SUCCESS)
gremlin> g.V('user','Jason')
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