Recover deleted lines in Vim?

So I wrote in Vim in Ubuntu, I did :wq

and then came back to Wim. I copied the part of the text I want, then deleted that part, :wq

'd, then went back to Wim and accidentally copied the other part. I want the part that I copied first. I can't just push u

because I have already exited Vim and returned, so my bounces don't go back to the previous session.

Is there a way to recover the first copied part? Perhaps some kind of restore in Vim or see previous copies in Ubuntu?

Any help would be life saving and I would appreciate it, thanks.


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2 answers

If the bright text isn't too big, you should look at the result :reg

. You were probably twitching in register 1 or 2.

Registers persist between sessions, but there is a hard limit on the size of their contents. You can see this limitation on your system with :set viminfo?

: the default should include <50

and s10

, which means that the contents of the registers are preserved if they are less than 50 lines and / or less than 10Kb.

If you've yanked a couple of lines long enough, you should be fine.

See :h 'viminfo'

if you want to change this value.



My answer will not help you in this case, but in the future you can enable permanent rollback from session to session.

To do this, you need to set a parameter undofile


Cm. :help persistent-undo

This will allow you to undo even after closing and reopening the file.

This option is only available since Vim 7.3



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