Constant in PHPUnit test case

I have a const in my php function as below.

 const limit = 5 ;
 function limit_check($no_of_page)
       if($no_of_page < const limit)
       return true;       else    return false;


Now I want to write isolated cases for this using PHPUnit, but on occasion I want to reset the limit so that my test cases don't fail if someone resets the limit. How do I set php const in my unit test function?


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1 answer

Usually, you set this limit for the reason for encoding, and therefore you should check and enforce this limit as it probably has a reason for its presence. However, if not, then you may have something more similar to the following:

class FOO
    const limit = 5;
    private $PageNumberLimit;

    public function __construct($PageLimit = self::limit)

    public function SetPageLimit($PageLimit)
        $this->PageNumberLimit = $PageLimit;

    public function limit_check($no_of_page)
        if($no_of_page < $this->PageNumberLimit)
            return true;
            return false;


Then tests:

class FOO_TEST extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    protected $FooClass;

    protected function setUp()
        $this->FooClass = new FOO();

    public function testConstantValue()
        $ReflectObject = new ReflectionClass('FOO');
        $this->assertEquals(5, $ReflectObject->getConstant('limit'), 'Test that the default Page Limit of 5 was not changed');

    public function testDefaultLimitUsed()
        $ReflectObject = new ReflectionClass('FOO');
        $this->assertEquals($ReflectObject->getConstant('limit'), $this->FooClass->PageNumberLimit, 'Test that the default Page Limit is used by matching value to constant.');

    public function testlimit_check()
        $this->assertTrue($this->FooClass->limit_check(4), 'Page Number is less than Limit');
        $this->assertFalse($this->FooClass->limit_check(5), 'Page Number is equal to Limit');
        $this->assertFalse($this->FooClass->limit_check(6), 'Page Number is greater than Limit');

    public static function PageNumberDataProvider()
        return array(

     * @dataProvider PageNumberDataProvider
    public function testSetPageLimitWithConstructor($NumberOfPages)
        $Foo = new FOO($NumberOfPages);         // Create the class using the constructor

        $this->assertTrue($Foo->limit_check($NumberOfPages - 1), 'Page Number is less than Limit');
        $this->assertFalse($Foo->limit_check($NumberOfPages), 'Page Number is equal to Limit');
        $this->assertFalse($Foo->limit_check($NumberOfPages + 1), 'Page Number is greater than Limit');

     * @dataProvider PageNumberDataProvider
    public function testSetPageLimitWithSetPageLimit($NumberOfPages)
        $this->FooClass->SetPageLimit($NumberOfPages);          // Set the number using the public function

        $this->assertTrue($Foo->limit_check($NumberOfPages - 1), 'Page Number is less than Limit');
        $this->assertFalse($Foo->limit_check($NumberOfPages), 'Page Number is equal to Limit');
        $this->assertFalse($Foo->limit_check($NumberOfPages + 1), 'Page Number is greater than Limit');




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