Visual basic 2012 IgnoreCase on if textbox.text = ""
How to ignore upper and lower case letters, this is my code:
if COMMAND_TEXT.Text = "command" then
CONSOLE.AppendText("command entered!" & Environment.NewLine)
CONSOLE.AppendText("Invalid command" & Environment.NewLine)
end if
I'm making a simple console, but when I try to type: Command it doesn't detect anything, but when I enter: the command just executes the code I want.
Do I have to do all possible texts? Like this:
if COMMAND_TEXT.Text = "command" then
CONSOLE.AppendText("command entered!" & Environment.NewLine)
elseif COMMAND_TEXT.Text = "Command" then
CONSOLE.AppendText("command entered!" & Environment.NewLine)
elseif COMMAND_TEXT.Text = "COMMAND" then
CONSOLE.AppendText("command entered!" & Environment.NewLine)
CONSOLE.AppendText("Invalid command" & Environment.NewLine)
end if
Or is there another simpler way like in Java EqualsIgnoreCase
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I would not recommend the top case or bottom shroud as others have suggested. This can cause problems in some cultures, especially Turkish ones. Use instead String.Equals(String, StringComparison)
If COMMAND_TEXT.Text.Equals("command", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
You can use InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
or OrdinalIgnoreCase
- it depends on the context.
I also highly recommend that you avoid critical names like COMMAND_TEXT
, and use more common names instead.
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