Google elevation API and rate cap

To get the elevation of multiple points, I am using the Elevation API provided by Google. The problem I am running into is that I get the error regularly OVER_QUERY_LIMIT

, of course because I am asking for heights at too high a speed.

Google's documentation talks about such a limit, but gives no value to it. Does anyone know at what level this maximum poll level is set?


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2 answers

You are probably making too many requests per minute; this is known as the rate limit, but the actual per minute limit is not published anywhere. I've seen some talk about the 10 requests per second (i.e. 600 per minute) limit as the absolute limit for all Google APIs.

For their free APIs like the one you're using and their geocoding APIs, they just say that they have a limit on what they think is enough requests per minute. This can increase and decrease depending on server load and / or time of day.

This recent post seems to suggest that you require a net 1 second delay between batches of 10 requests, where each of the 10 is individually separated by 0.1 seconds.

The answers to this question also allow for a backup of the above: How do I address Geocode 20 without getting an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT response?



The Google Elevation page gives you the following:

Limits of use

Google's Elevation API is capped at 2,500 requests per day (Maps API for Business users can submit up to 100,000 requests per day). For each given request, you can request an increase to 512 locations, but you cannot exceed 25,000 total locations per day (1,000,000 for the Maps API for business users). This limit is applied to prevent abuse and / or reuse of the Elevation API, and this limit is subject to change in the future without notice. In addition, we enforce a rate limiting request to prevent abuse of the service. If you exceed the 24-hour limit or otherwise abuse the service, the Elevation API may temporarily stop working for you. If you continue to exceed this limit, your access to the Elevation API may be blocked.

You could find this yourself if you had Googled for it.



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