Entity framework: cross join throws OutOfMemoryException

I have a table with 1.5 million records in SQL Server 2008. It has a varchar column 'ReferenzNummer' that is indexed.

The following query executed in SQL Management Studio is up and running fast:

SELECT v1.Id, v2.Id FROM Vorpapier as v1 cross join Vorpapier as v2
WHERE v1.ReferenzNummer LIKE '7bd48e26-58d9-4c31-a755-a15500bce4c4'
    AND v2.ReferenzNummer LIKE '7bd4%'


(I know the request doesn't make much sense, there will be more restrictions, but that's not important at the moment)

Now I would like to execute a query like this from Entity Framework 5.0, my LINQ looks like this:

var result = (from v1 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet
              from v2 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet
              where v1.ReferenzNummer == "7bd48e26-58d9-4c31-a755-a15500bce4c4" &&
              select new { V1 = v1.Id, V2 = v2.Id })


This tries to load the entire table into memory, which will throw an OutOfMemoryException after a while. I tried to move the WHERE parts with no success:

var result = (from v1 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet.Where(v => v.ReferenzNummer == "7bd48e26-58d9-4c31-a755-a15500bce4c4")
              from v2 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet.Where(v => v.ReferenzNummer.StartsWith("7bd4"))
                        select new { V1 = v1.Id, V2 = v2.Id })


Can Entity Framework be told to create a cross join statement like the one I wrote?


The generated EF SQL looks like this (for both queries)

SELECT [Extent1].[Id]             AS [Id],
     [Extent1].[VorpapierArtId] AS [VorpapierArtId],
     [Extent1].[ReferenzNummer] AS [ReferenzNummer],
     [Extent1].[IsImported]     AS [IsImported],
     [Extent1].[DwhVorpapierId] AS [DwhVorpapierId],
     [Extent1].[Datenbasis_Id]  AS [Datenbasis_Id]
FROM   [dbo].[Vorpapier] AS [Extent1]



When I change the LINQ query and join the table directly on the DatenbasisIDd field (this is not exactly what I want, but it might work), EF creates a join:

        var result = (from v1 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet 
                      join v2 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet
                          on v1.DatenbasisId equals v2.DatenbasisId
                      where v1.ReferenzNummer == "7bd48e26-58d9-4c31-a755-a15500bce4c4" && v2.ReferenzNummer.StartsWith("7bd4")
                        select new { V1 = v1.Id, V2 = v2.Id })


The resulting SQL query looks like this. It works and fast enough.

SELECT TOP (10) 1              AS [C1],
            [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
            [Extent2].[Id] AS [Id1]
FROM   [dbo].[Vorpapier] AS [Extent1]
   INNER JOIN [dbo].[Vorpapier] AS [Extent2]
     ON ([Extent1].[Datenbasis_Id] = [Extent2].[Datenbasis_Id])
         OR (([Extent1].[Datenbasis_Id] IS NULL)
             AND ([Extent2].[Datenbasis_Id] IS NULL))
WHERE  (N'7bd48e26-58d9-4c31-a755-a15500bce4c4' = [Extent1].[ReferenzNummer])
   AND ([Extent2].[ReferenzNummer] LIKE N'7bd4%')


I still can't see why EF is not creating a cross join in the original request. Is it just not supported?


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1 answer

If you use a join in a linq expression, it will be passed back to SQL Server. Here are some examples of the join operator in linq: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/LINQ-Join-Operators-dabef4e9



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