Create a SQL statement to insert multiple rows into MySQL database at once using Python

I am trying to create a variable that I could use to insert multiple rows into a MySQL database or save to a file.

Since I am new to python my mind is now buzzing with all the new concepts I need to learn and I am looking for a little confidence that my approach is good.

SQL syntax for inserting multiple elements into a table:

INSERT INTO 'tablename' ('column1', 'column2') VALUES
  ('data1', 'data2'),
  ('data3', 'data4'),
  ('data5', 'data6'),
  ('data7', 'data8');


This is the code I have:

import shelve

shelf ='test.db', flag='r')

sql = "INSERT INTO 'myTableName' ( "
sql += ", ".join(shelf.itervalues().next())
sql = " ) VALUES "
for s in shelf: 

  sql += "( "
  sql += ', '.join(['\'%s\'' % ( value ) for (key, value) in shelf[s].items()])
  sql += " ),"


print sql


It almost works (it has final, not latest sql addition), but I'm sure there should be a more concise approach. Can you tell me what it is?


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1 answer

Don't generate SQL from string concatenation. Use SQL parameters instead:

cursor = connection.cursor()

cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO 'tablename' ('column1', 'column2') VALUES (%s, %s)',
        [sub.values() for sub in shelf.values()])


The database can then reuse the statement INSERT

(it prepares a query plan for it), the database client tier will handle the quotes for you and prevent SQL injection from loading.



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