GWT JSNI returns js function

How to return JavaScript function from JSNI to GWT? I tried it like this:

/* JSNI method returning a js-function */
public static native JavaScriptObject native_getFunction() /*-{
    return function(a,b){
        //do some stuff with a,b


Storing a function in a variable

/* outside from GWT: store the function in a variable */
JavaScriptObject myFunction = native_getFunction();


Using the function afterwards, you receive the following error message:

(TypeError): object is not a function


Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


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2 answers

This works for me. Declare these methods:

public static native JavaScriptObject native_getFunction() /*-{
    return function(a,b){
        //do some stuff with a,b

private native void invoke(JavaScriptObject func)/*-{
    func("a", "b");


And then you use these methods like this:

JavaScriptObject func = native_getFunction();




Let's take you appName.nochache.js(GWT)


in Homepage.html

    function printMyName(name) {
        alert("Hello from JavaScript, " + name);


In your Gwt:

In your Gwt source, you can access the saySello () JS function via JSNI:

native void printMyNameInGwt(String name) /*-{
  $wnd.printMyName(name); // $wnd is a JSNI synonym for 'window'


you can also assign them to variables

native void printMyNameInGwt(String name) /*-{
  var myname =$wnd.printMyName(name); // return that for your purposes


Note: if you call js methods of any exterenal file that needs to be added to your tagged html page <script>




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